Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Silly, I know

Thank you all who recommended uploading services. I chose because any type of file may be uploaded...I was hoping to upload a 3D animation, but the file size would be too huge.

Friday, December 16, 2005

My skills

Thanks, all, for your tips on uploading my animated gifs. After I get my homework done, I will attempt to upload my supernerdman the right way, and you can all see him flex. I used Adobe ImageReady CS2 to make the gif, though Photoshop can make animated gifs too.

I've been learning a whole lot in the multimedia program I'm in - it's tons of fun. Over Christmas break, if the lab is open, I should have time to mess around with what I've learned to do something besides homework or studying for finals...perhaps I can perfect the Rustproof logo I've been working on. Haha, it's kind of funny - I was working on the logo in Adobe Illustrator from a scanned, hand-drawn template given to me by Mike R last week. Mike came and reviewed my progress I'd made on the logo and when he saw the scanned template he had drawn, he said, "Oh, that's what I drew? Hmm...I almost like the one I drew better," in classic Mike style. I suspect my work will not be necessary after all!

I have no secrets. Just untested skills.

God bless you all.

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