Monday, April 17, 2006


Just wanted to tell the world that I figured out what my email password is. Silly me. So, now I have no excuse for not checking my email. Shucks.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Michigan and stuff!


Let's see...what to talk about really quick.

News! Ryan took me to Michigan last month and it was awesome! Old news, I guess, but...We visited his brother and his niece and nephews, which was the best part, of course. It was the first time I met his brother.

Ryan talks about it more within his blog.

Twas fun, though..twas fun. It was very relaxing walking around the famous Notre Dame during one afteroon (and Ryan showed me the nonfiction movie Rudy afterwards, which was filmed there). Another place I won't forget soon is the Granger Community Church that his brother attends (which is huge and has over 6000 people in it - very media-friendly). Shockingly, a famous Christian author Shaunti Feldhahn, of which I've read her book For Women Only, spoke at the church about men and women. The main point of her message (which was actually set up more like a talk-show interview with one of the pastors) was that women want to feel loved by their spouse and men want to be shown respect. I would have to agree about her conclusions. Her conclusions were based on a professional survey of about 1000 men that she had organized.

Girls, sign up for to win tickets to a Christian cruise here.

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