Tuesday, July 12, 2005

To keep or not to keep?

I've been wondering...

Is carpet always a luxury? Because that's what certain family members of mine think, and I personally think that if the carpet is matted-down 70's shag, there is pretty much no hope for it. That is why I tore most of it out of my house, while incurring the wrath of 2/3 of my immediate family. Also, if the carpet is not matted-down 70's shag, and is, rather, of the slightly more modern (80's perhaps?) flat patterned type, does that make it more luxurious? Is it luxurious if it smells of fox urine? I would venture a "No," though ever so hesitantly for fear of dishonoring a family member who has less of a sense of smell than I do. I would prefer concrete. Though I guess it might be possible to use some sort of cleaning solution to counter the odor...sounds like more work than its worth, but I suppose it would be a shame to just get rid of "new" carpet. Got it about four years ago. Husband (of mother) #3 rescued it from being thrown away from Fortune Bay Casino. They got the real "new" carpet.

Oh, the many questions of life...

I like that carpet, but if it smells like fox urine, then rip it up and use rugs. I didn't know it smelled of fox urine, but then again I don't know what fox urine smells like, so whatever you say.
Carpet can be nice unless you have a dog that pees on it or something.
OK- did I miss something? How in the world did fox urine get on your carpet?

We pulled out carpet that smelled like cat urine only to find nice hardwood floors underneath.Much much better than the smelly cat urine carpet.
any time you can incorporate FOX URINE in one of your makes me happy.

your friendly fox urine post reading friend
My dad used to live in the basement with the fox urine carpet and he spilt fox urine on it. It's that scent stuff that people rub on themselves to attract foxes while hunting.. I myslef can think of better ideas than using urine.
No, no. Fox urine isn't used to attract foxes! Generally, deer hunters aren't interested in bringing in wiley distractors while they wait patiently in the stand for the kill. The urine is used to provide a scent shield so the deer do not pick up on our famous human stench.

If only the fox really was Kevin Spacey...har har just kidding.
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